Learn Lebanese Dabke Advanced Course (English)
34 videos | Buy $19.99
Dabke Masters Alaa and Obaida will teach you 29 Advanced moves including kneels, kicks, spins, stomps and much more! Each dance is repeated several times so the user can follow and learn. Become a Dabke Master with our course.
16 videos | Buy $11.99
Learn Lebanese Dabke Full Course (English)
16 videos | Buy $11.99
Dabke Master Obaida will teach you 12 advanced Dabke moves that can be performed in the middle and at the beginning of the Dabke line. Featuring 9 Single step and 3 two-step signature moves, Obaida shows you each move with and without music. Taught in a slow manner making sure that you can follow...
15 videos | Buy $11.99
تعليم الدبكة اللبنانية باللغة العربية
15 videos | Buy $11.99
الدبيك المشهور عبيدة عبد الخالق يعلم 12 حركة للدبكة اللبنانية على الدقة والدقتين
من ضمنها حركات ممكن عملها على الاول
تعليم على البطيئ والسريع مع وبدون موسيقى